Over the years, my grandfather, Otis “Pop-Pop” Weaver, told me many stories concerning Kim Carlyle’s funeral, and of his long, soul-bearing talk with actor Cliff DiMarco. To begin, please allow me to relay a startling revelation concerning Kim Carlyle’s famous gunmetal blue coffin...
It seems that when Pop-Pop’s crew tried to lower Kim’s casket into the ground, they were shocked at the extra weight they unexpectedly found themselves wrestling with. Most empty caskets weight between 200 and 300 pounds (perhaps a little more, depending on the materials used). Judging from photographs, Kim Carlyle may have weighed all of 118 pounds at the time of her “death”. So, at most, her casket should have weighed approximately 325 to 425 pounds, with her body inside. And yet the crew found itself handling a casket that they estimated weighed an incredible 650 pounds!
Why would the coffin be so much heavier, you may ask? Well, not that anyone dared to open the casket to find out for sure, but Pop-Pop always wondered if there wasn’t some sort of refrigeration unit hidden inside. He said that, strangely, the foot of the loaded coffin was much heavier than the head. This is very unusual, as the heaviest part of a body (the torso), would be more centralized to the container. He also said they could definitely hear a sound at one end, like a heavy, squared-off piece of equipment shifting back and forth, ever-so-slightly, buffered by the thick satin lining. According to Pop-Pop, the crew had to struggle for all they were worth to keep the overburdened coffin from hitting the floor of the grave hard enough to do it damage.
Unfortunately, once the casket was lowered, no one on Pop-Pop’s crew was interested in extricating it once again to see if there were any more anomalies with its design. Though Pop-Pop’s long time co-worker, Reggie McAfee, swore he saw a plug-in socket subtly worked in among the coffin’s silver handles.
Which brings us to the question: why would a refrigeration unit be necessary in a casket? I mean, if Kim Carlyle was dead and embalmed, and on her way to burial, there was no reason to keep the body refrigerated for the amount of time it would take to accomplish the average viewing and funeral service. And if we want to proffer the ludicrous idea that Kim was alive and somehow capable of controlling her breathing long enough to get away with posing in her own casket for the required ceremonies, there would still be no reason for a refrigeration unit to enter into the equation. Bottled oxygen, perhaps, but not refrigeration! This leads me to the one and only logical conclusion.
I believe that Kim Carlyle faked her own death for reasons that I will go into further. I believe she contrived, through her contacts in the art world (including Salvador Dali), to have a perfect likeness of herself created out of wax and placed in the casket. This wax figure would require a certain amount of refrigeration to survive the California heat (even in November), in order to preserve the perfection of the likeness. It is for this reason that I believe a very cleverly disguised, cutting-edge, nearly silent air conditioning unit was placed within Kim’s casket to keep her wax likeness looking fresh and believable throughout the services.
Remember, the funeral director responsible for Kim’s body was no doubt bought off, paid handsomely for his continued silence, as were key members of his staff. The body was roped off from the viewing line, and none of the guests were allowed to get too close to the casket while it was open. (Though it was reported that security officers had to physically restrain Gavin Hurrell from giving Kim one last kiss. They later had to remove him when he threw himself onto the closed casket during the graveside service.) All this, plus the din of the crowd, was probably enough to muffle whatever soft hum might have been heard coming from the refrigeration/air conditioning unit -- though Rona Barrett complained later to friends that she was irritated, during the viewing, by a high-pitched whine that she attributed to John Carradine’s hearing aid.
As for the cemetery crew? Well, I’m sure no one gave them or their work much thought. The coffin, after all, would be unplugged and sealed when the time came for it to be lowered into the ground. By then, the invasive press and the weeping throng would be gone, and Kim Carlyle’s terrible secrets would finally be laid to rest. If not for a wonderful old man regaling his beloved granddaughter with stories of Old Hollywood, the actual truth might have been buried forever.
More to come in Part III…
Dear Mr. Mook, or whoever you are,
I am the grandaughter of Rudolph Parish, of Parish and Binder Funeral Homes, Los Angeles, California. I DO NOT appreciate your suggestion that my grandfather was "bought off" by some silly Hollywood starlet who wanted to "fake her own death".
Honestly, where do you people come from? Don't you have better things to do with your time than spin morbid fairytales and malign decent, hard-working people?
Rudolph Parish was a fine, up-standing man and a professional who was dedicated to his craft. He served the greater Los Angeles community for over 50 years. He cared for the dead with the utmost sensitivity and brought great comfort to the bereaved families. He WOULD NOT be bought off or be party to such a ridiculous and disgusting scam!
You, sir, will be very lucky if you never get sued for libel!
Gwyneth Parish
Excuse me? That's Ms. Mook to you.
You know, it's funny, but my recollection is that the funeral director's name was RANDOLPH Parish, not Rudolph Parish. So, I find it funny that someone who is supposedly a "family member" would get that little detail wrong.
But thanks for maligning Kim Carlyle's good name, while you were at it. You call her a "silly Hollywood starlet". Well, she was a whole lot more than that to a whole lot of people, lady. But I guess it's just too much fun for some folks to come in and piddle in other people's punchbowls.
Talk about someone needing to "get a life"...
I think I know the name of my own grandfather, ass!
And now starts the name-calling. Beautiful. Makes me really want to take you seriously.
Find a new bridge to hide under, troll.
Have it your way...
I have consulted our family lawyer, and we will be filing a lawsuit for libel against you and your site laterthis week. I would suggest you contact your own attorney and discuss exactly how much you stand to lose here.
- Gwyneth Parish
Sorry, Gwynny, but it sounds like you need to get yourself a new lawyer. Haven't you ever heard that the dead CANNOT be libeled?
But otherwise, good luck with that law suit.
Oh, Mr. Mook, I'm afraid you've damaged not only the name of my poor dead grandfather with your slanders. You've harmed the good name of our family business. And THAT I can sue you for.
The next communication you receive will not be from me, but from my lawyers.
- G.P.
Oh, for chrissakes, Gwyn, lighten the hell up! You and I BOTH know what kind of man your dear old gramps was. Or have you forgotten that the old bastard BURNED DOWN Parish and Binder's for the insurance money in 1974? How about the way he pinned the arson on your Uncle Randolph, and drove him to a nervous breakdown and an early grave? Did you forget that part? Or how about what he did to MY grandfather, Haskell Binder? Remember him? The man he drove out of the business and into bankruptcy, so your own do-nothing schmuck of a father could have a job when he was released from his stint in that Mexican jail?
Yeah, Gwyn, sure. You're grampa was an absolute saint, wasn't he? He would NEVER have taken money from anybody to fake a death, would he? Just like he'd never handle any of those special "family" funerals, when certain people from a certain "organization" needed to disappear for a little while. Nah... he'd never do anything like that, despite the enormous gambling debts he ran up in Vegas. After all, those guys from the Flamingo were sooo understanding. At least that's what Grampa Haskell was told when two of the limos disappeared overnight. And there was never anything fishy at all when some coffins ended up TWICE AS HEAVY as they should have been because someone asked for the "favor" of having an extra passenger along for the ride, if you know what I mean.
So, maybe it's time for you to leave this poor DukeMook guy and his crazy little site alone. I don't think a lawsuit would be in your best interest at this point, do you? After all, you wouldn't want someone like me, who knows where the bodies really are buried, to give any kind of deposition, would you?
Yeah, sometimes karma really is a bitch, isn't it Gwyn? Now, why don't you run along and get some more collagen shot into those narrow, patrician lips of yours, eh?
- J.Q. Binder
OMG! TWO bodies in one coffin? Is that what you're saying, J.Q.?!? I think you've just blown my mind! OMG, OMG! I've gotta let this sink in a little. I can't even think right now.
Thanks for your post,
Blow me, Josh.
- Gwyneth
Not anymore... What's the matter, Gwyn? Miss me?
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